The State of Re Education (Taking a break)

I started making Re Education back in March of 2021,
A lot has changed since that time, and I wasn't aware of how much has changed, because I was busy working on both Re Education and Dr. Valarie.

When I started making Re Education, I was putting in 10-12 hours a day. I would get up, and start working on the game. i'd stop briefly to take care of personal needs, then resume working until I was too tired to continue.

I made a lot of the early path options during this time, assuming I would have time to complete them all.

Yet I now realize that there is really only one major path I still need to complete. Everything else I wanted to do has already been done.

I also now realize that I really need to take a break before I burn out.

So, there will be no update at the end of July, because, frankly I need to rest, recover, and recharge my creative batteries.

When the next version of Re Education comes out, it's going to be streamlined a bit. Some of the menus with only one option are going to disappear, since they are not really needed.

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We love you just slow down relax and just take it easy don't force yourself so hard you'll end up in the hospital do you understand that's the last thing we want


Oh i wouldn't let it get to that point. This is about not letting it get to that point. and thank you. Your support really helps. It helps me feel better about this. It helps me to realize that you folks understand.

Well I understand what you're going through and basically live in what feels like hell hey I meant what I said look me up on Facebook so that if you ever need anyone to talk to to understand what you're going through you can always message me I mean you want or if you can message me privately through this website or app