Re Education 0.70 NAGU 1 has been released!

As you can see, Rachel is just “thrilled” at the idea of redoing the graphics… again…

I wasn’t going to redo the graphics again. In fact I was adamantly against it.

But then I started arguing with myself, and the argument I came up with is “You named your visual novel Re Education. You intended it to re educate you on making a visual novel.”

Another argument was that upon seeing the results of this new process, and having a direct comparison to my 3D artwork, instantly showed me flaws that I would have not seen otherwise.

In light of these revelations, how could I walk away from that?

So yes, I am redoing the graphics... again. There is a shiny new button in the game's main menu screen. Clicking on that will show you a preview of the new graphics.

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38 days ago

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You want to re educate yourself hat? Why?

(1 edit) (+1)

The new graphics are beautiful. The game is becoming more and more profesionalish. But I confess I would prefered finish the storyline first and then make the remaster. Oh, well. Patience.


The title "Re Education" has more than one meaning. One of its meanings is to teach myself how to make a good visual novel.

And the graphics are helping me with the story line.

Good, good.

thx dev


You're welcome. Things are going to get interesting in the coming months. Stay tuned.